Recent Journal Publications and Preprints (Rousseaux lab members bolded)
Suk TR, Part CE, Nguyen TT, Zhang JL, Heer MM, Caballero-Gomez A, Grybas VS, McKeever PM, Nguyen B, Callaghan SM, Woulfe JM, Robertson J, Rousseaux MWC. A stress-dependent TDP-43 SUMOylation program preserves neuronal function. BioRxiv
Losier TT, Rousseaux MWC#, Russell RC#, Identification of stress specific autophagy regulators from tandem CRISPR screens. BioRxiv # = co-corresponding authors.
Lengacher NA, Tomlinson JJ, Jochum AK, Franz J, Hasan Ali O, Flatz L, Jochum W, Penninger J; aSCENT-PD Investigators; Stadelmann C, Woulfe JM, Schlossmacher MG. Neuropathological assessment of the olfactory bulb and tract in individuals with COVID-19. Acta Neuropath Comms
Parmasad JLA*, Ricke KM*, Nguyen B, Stykel MG, Buchner-Duby B, Lian E, Lengacher NA, Geertsma HM, Bruce A, Callaghan SM, Joselin A, Tomlinson JJ, Schlossmacher MG, Stanford WL, Brundin P, Ryan SD, Rousseaux MWC Genetic and pharmacological reduction of CDK14 mitigates synucleinopathy. Cell Death and Disease; *Co-first authors
Geertsma HM*, Fisk ZA*, Sauline L*, Prigent A, Kurgat K, Callaghan SM, aSCENT-PD consortium, Henderson MX#, Rousseaux MWC#. A topographical atlas of αSyn dosage and cell-type expression in the mouse brain and periphery NPJ Parkinson's disease *Co-first authors; #Co-corresponding authors
van Bruggen R, Patel ZH, Wang M, Suk TR, Rousseaux MWC, Tan Q. A Versatile Strategy for Genetic Manipulation of Cajal-Retzius Cells in the Adult Mouse Hippocampus. eNeuro, 2023 Oct 18;10(10):ENEURO.0054-23.2023. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0054-23.2023.
Suk TR, Nguyen TT, Fisk ZA, Mitkovski M, Geertsma HM, Parmasad JLA, Heer MM, Callaghan SM, Benseler F, Brose N, Tirard M*, Rousseaux MWC*. Characterizing the differential distribution and targets of SUMOylation in the mouse brain. iScience *Co-corresponding authors
Geertsma HM, Ricke KM, Rousseaux MWC, Assessment of Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in Mice, Methods Mol Biol. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-2409-8_10.
Chen L*, Nagaraja C*, Daniels S*, Fisk ZA, Dvorak R, Meyerdirk L, Steiner JA, Escobar Galvis ML, Henderson MX, Rousseaux MWC, Brundin P, Chu HY. Synaptic location is a determinant of the detrimental effects of a-synuclein pathology to gluotamatergic transmission in the basolateral amygdala. eLife, doi: 10.7554/eLife.78055. *Co-first authors
Im DS, Joselin A, Svoboda D, Takano T, Rousseaux MWC, Callaghan S, Slack RS, Hisanaga SI, Davis RJ, Park DS, Qu D. Cdk5-mediated JIP1 phosphorylation regulates axonal outgrowth through Notch1 inhibition. BMC Biol.
Parmasad JLA*, Ricke KM*, Stykel MG, Buchner-Duby B, Lian E, Nguyen B, Lengacher NA, Geertsma HM, Bruce A, Callaghan SM, Joselin A, Tomlinson JJ, Schlossmacher MG, Stanford WL, Brundin P, Ryan SD, Rousseaux MWC Genetic and pharmacological reduction of CDK14 mitigates synucleinopathy. bioRxiv; *Co-first authors
Geertsma HM, Suk TR, Ricke KM, Horsthuis K, Parmasad JA, Fisk ZA, Callaghan SM, Rousseaux MWC. Constitutive nuclear accumulation of endogenous alpha-synuclein in mice causes motor impairment and cortical dysfunction, independent of protein aggregation. Hum Mol Genet . Feb 18 2022 doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddac035
Lee WS, Lavery L, Rousseaux MWC, Rutledge EB, Jang Y, Wan YW, Wu SR, Kim W, Al-Ramahi I, Rath S, Adamski CJ, Bondar VV, Tewari A, Soleimani S, Mota S, Yalamanchili HK, Orr HT, Liu Z, Botas J, Zoghbi HY. Dual targeting of brain region-specific kinases potentiates neurological rescue in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 EMBO J Apr 1;40(7):e106106. doi: 10.15252/embj.2020106106.
Suk TR and Rousseaux MWC. The role of TDP-43 mislocalization in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Molecular Neurodegeneration 2020 Aug 15 doi:
Geertsma HM and Rousseaux MW. Convergent systems-based approaches identify a role for OCIAD1 in Alzheimer's disease EBioMed 2020 Jan 22 doi:
Vazquez-Velez GE, Gonzales KA, Revelli JP, Adamski CA, Alavi Naini F, Bajic A, Heman-Ackah SM, Wood MJA, Rousseaux MW, Zoghbi HY. Doublecortin like kinase 1 regulates α-synuclein levels and toxicity. J. Neurosci. 2019 Nov 20 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1076-19.2019
Jeong HH, Kim SY, Rousseaux MW, Zoghbi HY, Liu Z. Beta-binomial modeling of CRISPR pooled screen data identifies target genes with greater sensitivity and fewer false negatives. Genome Research 2019 Apr 23 DOI: 10.1101/gr.245571.118
Rousseaux MW*#, Vazquez-Velez GE*, Al-Ramahi I, Jeong HH, Bajic A, Revelli JP, Ye H, Phan ET, Deger JM, Perez A, Kim JY, Lavery LA, Li MZ, Kang H, Kim JJ, Shulman JM, Westbrook TF, Elledge SJ, Liu Z, Botas J, Zoghbi HY#. A druggable genome screen identifies modifiers of alpha-synuclein levels via a tiered cross-species validation approach. J. Neurosci. 2018 Sep 24 DOI:
* = Authors contributed equally
# = Co-corresponding authors
Cover article
Rousseaux MW, Revelli JP, Vazquez-Velez GE, Kim JY, Craigen E, Gonzales K, Beckinghausen J, Zoghbi HY. Depleting Trim28 in adult mice is well tolerated and reduces levels of α-synuclein and tau. eLife 2018 Jun 4 10.7554/eLife.36768
Rousseaux MW*, Tschumperlin T*, Lu HC*, Lackey EP, Bondar V, Wan YW, Tan Q, Adamski CJ, Friedrich J, Twaroski K, Chen W, Tolar J, Henzler C, Sharma A, Bajic A, Lin T, Duvick L, Liu Z, Sillitoe RV, Zoghbi HY, Orr HT. ATXN1-CIC complex is the primary driver of cerebellar pathology in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 through a gain-of-function mechanism. Neuron. 2018 Mar 21.
* = Authors contributed equally
Tan Q, Brunetti L, Rousseaux MW, Lu HC, Wan YW, Revelli JP, Liu Z, Goodell MA, Zoghbi HY. Loss of Capicua alters early T cell development and predisposes mice to T cell lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. PNAS Jan 30. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1716452115.
Jeong HH, Kim SY, Rousseaux MW, Zoghbi HY, Liu Z. CRISPRcloud: a secure cloud-based pipeline for CRISPR pooled screen deconvolution. Bioinformatics. 2017 Sep 15. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx335.
Rousseaux MW, Shulman JM, Jankovic J. Progress toward an integrated understanding of Parkinson's disease. F1000Res. 2017 Jul 12. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11820.1.
Jung SY*, Choi JM*, Rousseaux MW*, Malovannaya A, Kim JJ, Kutzera J, Wang Y, Huang Y, Zhu W, Maity S, Zoghbi HY, Qin J. An Anatomically Resolved Mouse Brain Proteome Reveals Parkinson Disease-relevant Pathways. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. 2017 Apr. doi: 10.1074/mcp.M116.061440.
* = Authors contributed equally
Lu HC*, Tan Q*, Rousseaux MW, Wang W, Kim JY, Richman R, Wan YW, Yeh SY, Patel JM, Liu X, Lin T, Lee Y, Fryer JD, Han J, Chahrour M, Finnell RH, Lei Y, Zurita-Jimenez ME, Ahimaz P, Anyane-Yeboa K, Van Maldergem L, Lehalle D, Jean-Marcais N, Mosca-Boidron AL, Thevenon J, Cousin MA, Bro DE, Lanpher BC, Klee EW, Alexander N, Bainbridge MN, Orr HT, Sillitoe RV, Ljungberg MC, Liu Z, Schaaf CP, Zoghbi HY.Disruption of the ATXN1-CIC complex causes a spectrum of neurobehavioral phenotypes in mice and humans. Nat. Genet. 2017 Apr. doi: 10.1038/ng.3808.
* = Authors contributed equally
Rousseaux MW, de Haro M, Lasagna-Reeves CA, De Maio A, Park J, Jafar-Nejad P, Al-Ramahi I, Sharma A, See L, Lu N, Vilanova-Velez L, Klisch TJ, Westbrook TF, Troncoso JC, Botas J, Zoghbi HY. TRIM28 regulates the nuclear accumulation and toxicity of both alpha-synuclein and tau. eLife. 2016 Oct 25. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19809.
Lasagna-Reeves CA, de Haro M, Hao S, Park J, Rousseaux MW, Al-Ramahi I, Jafar-Nejad P, Vilanova-Velez L, See L, De Maio A, Nitschke L, Wu Z, Troncoso JC, Westbrook TF, Tang J, Botas J, Zoghbi HY. Reduction of Nuak1 Decreases Tau and Reverses Phenotypes in a Tauopathy Mouse Model. Neuron. 2016 Oct 19. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.09.022.